Joining ApnaComplex

Apna Complex is the official forum for apartment management. If already registered, you can login here.

  • Owners : If you are the owner and don't have access to apna Complex, then please write to webmaster with an ownership proof (e.g. scanned electricity bill, sale deed etc)
  • Tenants : If you are the tenant and don't have access to apna complex, then
    • Please request your apartment owner to add you to ApnaComplex
    • If your apartment owner is not a member of Apnacomplex and you are not able to provide the details of apartment owner, please mail a copy of your rental Agreement to webmaster which should have your name /apt no /owners name/Agreement Validity Period. We recommend you to remove/hide the commercial agreements between you and apartment owner
  • If you have forgotten the password for Apna Complex access, follow this link to reset your password.

Following details needs to be provided to the webmaster along with the documentation :-

  • Name :
  • Block/Apt no :
  • Resident Status : Owner /Tenant
  • Apartment Status : Occupied by Owner/ Rented Out
  • Parking No :
  • Parking Type : Open/Close
  • Vehicle no :
  • Vehicle Type : 2 or 4 W
  • Vehicle Brand:
  • Vehicle Color