SAOA Elections 2014
Nominations are hereby invited for Suncity Apartments Owners Association Executive Committee for the year 2014-15 for 6 Office Bearers, 10 Directors and 6 Cluster Leaders. Notice of Election & Nomination Form are attached on this page.
6 Office Bearers
1. President
2. Vice - President
3. Secretary
4. Joint Secretary
5. Treasurer
6. Joint Treasurer
10 Directors
1. Housekeeping
2. Electrical
3. Amenities
4. Safety
5. Security
6. Legal, PR & IT
7. Cultural & Sports
8. Water
9. Plumbing
10. RWH & STP
6 Cluster Leaders
1. Cluster A - Blocks 1,2,11,12,13
2. Cluster B - Blocks 14,15,18,19,20
3. Cluster C - Blocks 16, 17
4. Cluster D - 3,4,9,10
5. Cluster E - 5,6,7,8
6. Cluster F - 21A, B
- The nominations should be sent by candidate on prescribed form duly signed by him and duly proposed and seconded with names and signatures of the proposer and seconder, failing which nomination will be invalidated.
- Only SAOA members can propose or second nominations.
- A member is eligible to contest for one post only. If she/he applies for more than one post, her/his candidature for all posts would be invalidated.
- All nominations must be submitted to the Election Committee through SAOA Administrative Office at block 1 basement, Suncity, Off-ORR - Sarjapur Road, Ibblur, Bangalore 560 102 on or before the stipulated date as given below
Please find below key dates:
Start Date for receiving nominations: 19th July 2014
Last Date for receiving nominations: 23rd July 2014, 5 PM
Last Date for withdrawal: 24th July 2014, 5 PM
Publishing list of Eligible Candidates: 25th July 2014
Election of Cluster Leaders by Block Office Bearers: 26th July 2014
Election of Officer Bearers & Directors: 27th July 2014
Kindly submit your filled in nomination to SAOA Administrative office in block 1 basement between 10 am – 5 pm till 23rd Jul 2014. Please carry 2 copies of the filled in form, if you need an acknowledgement.
If you need hard copy of blank forms, please reach out to SAOA Administrative office between 10 am – 5 pm.
Eligibility Criteria:
- Any owner who has executed a sale deed on any of the Flats in Suncity Apartments or his/her/their relatives (Spouse or Parents) can lawfully become the member of the executive committee. However, in the event of the joint ownership anyone of the owners can get elected as the member of the executive committee. There will not be more than ONE elected member for the executive committee from any one flat.
- Members who are in the executive committee (EC) for 2 consecutive years will not be eligible to nominate themselves in the election for the 3rd year in a row. This will be applicable for any role in the EC, including but not limited to the Office Bearers, Directors and Cluster leaders. The gap will be for 1 (one) year, after which they will again be eligible for nomination to any EC post. In an event wherein the positions in EC remain vacant due to lack of nomination, only then will such members (who have held EC positions for 2 consecutive years) be allowed to nominate themselves for a position in EC.
- No apartment owner shall be entitled to vote on the election of members of the executive committee or be entitled to stand for election to such office if he/she is in arrears as on the last day of nominations (i.e. 23rd Jul 2014, 5 pm), in respect of his/ her contributions for common expenses to the Association.
- Every candidate standing for election should submit an undertaking that he/she has not been part (either member or office bearer) of any other Resident Welfare association, whose jurisdiction falls within any of the 21 blocks in Suncity) for a period of last 6 months. This clause is not applicable for newly joined blocks 21 A& B of Zephyr.
Attention Block Office Bearers:
Election of Cluster Leaders by Block Office Bearers (BoBs) will be held on 26th Jul 2014. Existing block office bearers should send the names of new block office bearers for 2014-15 by 23rd Jul 2014, 5 pm to
Any of the existing office bearers can send the names of new BoBs while keeping remaining block office bearers in cc.
For any questions, please write to
Election Committee