Maintenance Payments
Why should I pay maintenance?
The maintenance charges are collected from residents for services like water, common area electricity, security and common area cleaning. The money also goes into general upkeep of the building and maintaining amenities in the apartment complex. The maintenance is collected by association of residents called Suncity apartments owners associations (SAOA). You can read more about association here. You can download the bye laws of the association here.
Who should pay the maintenance charge. The owner or the tenant?
The maintenance charges are levied on the flat. The payment of maintenance charges depends on the agreement between the owner and tenant. Similarly, the penalties if any, are levied against the flat. Your agreement with owner decides who pays the charges.
Who should pay the development/Capex charge. The owner or the tenant? Will you impose penalty on non-payment of development charges?
The development or capex charges are levied on the flat. The payment of charges depends on the agreement between the owner and tenant.
The non-payment of maintenance or development charges will show a pending amount against a flat. In case there is a amount pending against a flat, the penalties will be imposed.
Flat residents need to make sure that full dues against a flat are paid by due date. Otherwise monetary penalties and disconnection of utilities will be carried out.
When is the maintenance due. How do I pay it?
The maintenance in the apartment complex is collected in quarterly cycles. The cycles are
All the notices for payment are raised in apna complex. Login here.
If you want to join apna complex then you can read the procedure here.
What are the penalties of not paying maintenance?
When a apartment does not pay maintenance on time, the other apartments bear the financial burden of the non payment. For this, a penalty system has been introduced to encourage maintenance payment on time. The dates for payment and penalty amounts are mentioned above.
If the maintenance amount is unpaid after 15 days, the utilities of the flat can be disconnected by the association. This includes, but is not limited to, disconnecting DG and water supply. An additional one time reconnection charge of 1500/- is levied on the flat in these cases.
My apartment is empty. Do I pay maintenance?
A flat is considered vacant, if it is empty for a quarter (3 consecutive months or more). The empty status is proven by BESCOM electricity bill for the flat. A credit is provided for flats that become vacant in the middle of maintenance cycle, but are vacant for more than 3 months.
The vacant flats (according to above definition) are given 100% discount on Water charges only. The vacant flats need to pay the development or capex charges or all other charges levied as deemed fit in full.
A request should be raised under "Payment & Accounting" category in Apnacomplex claiming the vacant status. Also the soft/hard copy of electricity bills proving the vacant status should reach SAOA before the end of maintenance cycle. You can email your intimations and bills to SAOA on email id
After reviewing electricity bills, a credit note for the amount equivalent to water charges levied on the flat for the vacant period will be issued which gets adjusted against subsequent invoices.
The blocks who have installed water meters are not eligible for vacant flat discount, as those flats pay consumption based water charges.
upto 30th Sept 2018, vacant flats used to get a 40% discount on maintenance demand (maintenance + water charges). The policy has been revised from 1st Oct 2018.
This policy expired on 31st Mar 2021. The decision is taken in the EGM held on 6th Dec 2020 in the wake of all the blocks deciding to install water meters at each individual flat. In the EGM it was also decided to give 1 (one) month upto 1st May 2021 to allow rebate claims.
What is my money being used for?
The association is responsible for many activities required under different areas. The adjacent chart shows high level breakup of the various heads under which money is spent.The percentages will keep changing with time as prices rise in one area and efficiency is brought in other areas. The activities covered under various heads are
Every resident and owner is required to go through the financial statements published by association. Also residents are requested to attend AGM where audited accounts are presented for approvals.
Is everything managed by SAOA?
SAOA is a central body that manages the overall complex. But the structure of SAOA is federal in nature. Many powers and responsibilities are delegated to cluster and block level.
Cluster Level management
Multiple blocks form a cluster. The block representatives from the cluster elect a Cluster Leader among themselves. The role of the cluster leader is to represent the interests of the whole cluster in Executive Committee.
Every cluster has a separate bank account called Cluster development fund (CDF). The CDF is self-funded by Cluster of blocks. Also 20% of Move-In/Move-Out charges collected from any block in the cluster are given to CDF accounts.
Block Level management
Every block in Suncity has 2 elected representatives. All these elected representatives form management committee. The role of the block level representatives is limited to the development of a block.
Every block has a separate bank account called Block development fund (BDF). The BDF is self-funded by the block. Also 60% of Move-In/Move-Out charges collected from block are given to BDF accounts.
Maintenance complaints
I have a complaint about maintenance?
Please raise all your maintenance related issues in apna complex. Login here.
If you want to join apna complex then you can read the procedure here.
Can association send electrician and plumbers for my private work?
If the private work is less than half an hour, then it is covered under maintenance. You can raise a complaint in apna complex. Login here. Few rules need to be followed for personal work:
The material procurement, if any, needs to be done by resident.
The work exceeding half an hour will not be done by association staff.
Typical private work covered under maintenance is tap cleaning, fixing leaking taps, MCB issues etc.
I have a suggestion on how to make suncity better?
Please assess on what level the suggestion needs to be taken up. In particular you need to decide if the suggestion is for a block, or a cluster or for the whole of suncity.
For suggestions at block level, you can directly meet your block representatives face to face. You can find your block representatives here.
For suggestions at cluster level, you can directly meet your cluster leader face to face. You can find your cluster leader Apnacomplex->Directory->Committee.
For suggestions at suncity level, you need to meet the concerned EC member. You can find the list of all EC members at Apnacomplex ->Directory ->Committee.
You can also file your suggestions and requests in apnaComplex.